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Spray per montaggio
400 ml
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Dettagli del prodotto su


400 ml


Campo della temperatura:
  • -40 °C a +1400 °C 
  • previene la corrosione, la corrosione da sfregamento, l'ossidazione e l'usura 
  • previene il grippaggio, la saldatura a freddo 
  • buon comportamento di sigillatura / bloccaggio contro fluidi liquidi 
  • riduce l'attrito e lo stick-slip 
Customs tariff number
  • 34039900 

Descrizione del prodotto

Safety and health: When processing HANSA-FLEX products, the physical, safety, toxicological and ecological data and regulations in our EC safety data sheets must be observed.
HANSA-FLEX MONTAGESPRAY400 is an assembly aid for screw connections and assembly parts subject to extreme dynamic stress as well as slow-rotating systems in the high-temperature range.
Clean surfaces thoroughly and degrease. For example, with HANSA-FLEX ENTFETTERSPRAY.
Allow the product to warm up to room temperature for flawless spraying performance.
Shake can before use, until you can hear the agitator ball.
Spray on at a distance of approx. 15 cm.
Assembly Spray 400 is only suitable for use with specific materials, it is not a substitute for oil or grease lubrication.
Informazioni supplementari
Special additives and the minute ceramic solid lubricants, guarantee special product properties. The product is characterised by its pressure absorption capacity (< 230 N/mm²). The assembly spray is metal-free, (up to max. 0.1 % content). It is resistant to fresh, sea and hot water, steam, alkaline and weakly acidic media, as well as being adhesive and water-repellent. In addition, the product is free of sulphur-containing additives and halogens.

Varianti dei prodotti

1 Risultato
Indice (ml)
Prezzo / Pezzo

Column selection

Indice (ml)